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Crossref is hiring an R&D Developer in Oxford

Geoffrey Bilder

Geoffrey Bilder – 2009 August 20

In News Release

We are looking to hire an R&D Developer in our Oxford offices. We are look for somebody who:

  • Is passionate about creating tools for online scholarly communication.
  • Relishes working with metadata.
  • Has experience delivering web-based applications using agile methodologies.
  • Wants to learn new skills and work with a variety of programming languages.
  • Enjoys working with a small, geographically dispersed team.
  • Groks mixed-content model XML.
  • Groks RDF.
  • Groks REST.
  • Has explored MapReduce-based database systems.
  • Is expert in one or more popular development language (Java, C, C++, C#).
  • Is expert in one or more popular scripting language (Ruby, Python, Javascript).
  • Has deployed and maintained Linux/BSD-based systems.
  • Understands relational databases (MySQL, Postgres, Oracle).
  • Tests first.

If you are interested, please see the full job description. If you are not interested, but know somebody who might be, please let them know about this great opportunity.

Further reading

Page owner: Geoffrey Bilder   |   Last updated 2009-August-20