
 1 minute read.

Crossref Metadata Search++

We have just released a bunch of new functionality for Crossref Metadata Search. The tool now supports the following features:

  • A completely new UI
  • Faceted searches
  • Copying of search results as formatted citations using CSL
  • COinS, so that you can easily import results into Zotero and other document management tools
  • An API, so that you can integrate Crossref Metadata Search into your own applications, plugins, etc.
  • Basic OpenSearch support- so that you can integrate Crossref Metadata Search into your browser’s search bar.
  • Searching for a particular Crossref DOI
  • Searching for a particular Crossref ShortDOI
  • Searching for articles in a particular journal via the journal’s ISSN

At the moment, Crossref Metadata Search (CRMDS) is a Crossref Labs project and, as such, should be used with some trepidation. Our goal is to release CRMS as a production service ASAP, but we wanted to get public feedback on the service before making the move to a production system.

Further reading

Page owner: Geoffrey Bilder   |   Last updated 2012-October-11