
 2 minute read.

got SEARCH if you want it!

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2009 November 24

In Search

[See this link if you’re short on time: facets search client. Only tested on Firefox at this point. Caveat: At time of writing the Crossref Metadata Search was being very slow but was still functional. Previously it was just slow.]

Following on from Geoff’s announcement last month of a prototype Crossref Metadata OpenSearch on, I wanted to show what typical OpenSearch responses might look like in a more mature implementation.

I have taken the liberty of modelling these on the response formats that we are already providing in our OpenSearch service which in turn are based on the draft syndication formats that I blogged here earlier.

I am therefore returning ATOM, JSON, JSONP and RSS responses from these four OpenSearch URL templates:

Further reading

Page owner: Tony Hammond   |   Last updated 2009-November-24