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OAI-ORE Presentation at OAI5

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 May 02

In Linking


I posted here about an initial meeting of the OAI-ORE Technical WG back in January. ORE is the “Object Reuse and Exchange” initiative which is aiming to provide a formalism for describing scholarly works as complete units (or packages) of information on the Web using resource maps which would be available from public access points. From a DOI perspective this work is intimately connected with multiple resolution. For further updates on this work, see here for a presentation by Herbert Van de Sompel on OAI-ORE at the OAI5 Workshop (5th Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication) held a couple weeks back at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.

The presentation gives an insight regarding the problem domain in which ORE operates, and in the evolving thinking regarding potential solutions. The presentation was recorded on video and is available for both streaming and download (slides, streaming video, video download).

Note that Michael Nelson of Old Dominion University also presented on behalf of the ORE effort at the recent CNI Task Force Meeting and at the DLF Forum.

Further reading

Page owner: Tony Hammond   |   Last updated 2007-May-02