
OASIS Announces Search Web Services TC

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 June 15

In Search

OASIS has just announced a technical committee for standardising search services. This from the Call for Participation: _ b. Purpose To define Search and Retrieval Web Services, combining various current and ongoing web service activities. Within recent years there has been a growth in activity in the development of web service definitions for search and retrieval applications. These include SRU, a web service based in part on the NISO/ISO Search and Retrieval standards;

IDF Open Meeting: Innovative uses of the DOI system

Ed Pentz

Ed Pentz – 2007 June 08

In Conference

Please see the details of the IDF Annual Meeting and a related Handle System Workshop in Washington, DC on June 21 which may be of interest -

Resource Maps

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 June 05

In Publishing

Last week we had a second face-to-face of the OAI-ORE (Open Archives Initiative – Object Reuse and Exchange) Technical Committee in New York, the meeting being hosted courtesy of Google. (Hence the snap here taken from the terrace of Google’s canteen with its gorgeous view of midtown Manhattan. And the food’s not too shabby either. ;~) The main input to the meeting was this discussion document: Compound Information Objects: The OAI-ORE Perspective.

RSC’s Project Prospect v1.1

We updated our Project Prospect articles today to release v1.1, with a pile of look & feel improvements to the HTML views and links. The most interesting technical addition is the launch of our enhanced RSS feeds, where we have updated our existing feeds for enhanced articles. These now include ontology terms and primary compounds both visually (as text terms and 2D images) and within the RDF - using the OBO in OWL representation and the info:inchi specification mentioned here by Tony only a few weeks ago.

The enhanced entries will soon become more common as we concentrate our enhancements on our Advance Articles, but the current example below from our Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences feed is lovely. RDF code after the jump - just as beautiful to the parents…


OAI-ORE Presentation at OAI5

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 May 02

In Linking

I posted here about an initial meeting of the OAI-ORE Technical WG back in January. ORE is the “Object Reuse and Exchange” initiative which is aiming to provide a formalism for describing scholarly works as complete units (or packages) of information on the Web using resource maps which would be available from public access points. From a DOI perspective this work is intimately connected with multiple resolution. For further updates on this work, see here for a presentation by Herbert Van de Sompel on OAI-ORE at the OAI5 Workshop (5th Workshop on Innovations in Scholarly Communication) held a couple weeks back at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland.

A Modest Proposal

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 April 11

In Linking

Was just reminded (thanks, Tim) of the possibility of using a special tag in bookmarking services to tag links to documents of interest to a given community. I think this is a fairly well-established practice. Note that e.g. the OAI-ORE project is using Connotea to bookmark pages of interest and tagging them “oaiore” which can then be easily retrieved using the link I would suggest that Crossref members might like to consider using the tag “crosstech” in bookmarking pages about publishing technology, so that the following links might be used to retrieve documents of interest to this readership:

Citing Data Sets

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 March 30

In CitationData

This D-Lib paper by Altman and King looks interesting: “A Proposed Standard for the Scholarly Citation of Quantitative Data”. (And thanks to Herbert Van de Sompel for drawing attention to the paper.) Gist of it (Sect. 3) is

_“We propose that citations to numerical data include, at a minimum, six required components. The first three components are traditional, directly paralleling print documents. … Thus, we add three components using modern technology, each of which is designed to persist even when the technology changes: a unique global identifier, a universal numeric fingerprint, and a bridge service. They are also designed to take advantage of the digital form of quantitative data.

An example of a complete citation, using this minimal version of the proposed standards, is as follows:

**Micah Altman; Karin MacDonald; Michael P. McDonald, 2005, “Computer Use in Redistricting”,

hdl:1902.1/AMXGCNKCLU UNF:3:J0PkMygLPfIyT1E/8xO/EA==


Crossref Forward Linking Webinar

Anna Tolwinska

Anna Tolwinska – 2007 March 29

In Webinars

The next Crossref Forward Linking Webinar is coming on Monday April 30th , 2007 at 12:00pm. Registration is now available: [The next Crossref Forward Linking Webinar is coming on Monday April 30th , 2007 at 12:00pm. Registration is now available:]1 Agenda is coming soon.

Markup for DOIs

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 March 29

In Linking

Following up on his earlier post (which was also blogged to CrossTech here), Leigh Dodds is now [Following up on his earlier post (which was also blogged to CrossTech here), Leigh Dodds is now]3 the possibility of using machine-readable auto-discovery type links for DOIs of the form These LINK tags are placed in the document HEAD section and could be used by crawlers and agents to recognize the work represented by the current document.

Publishing 2.0


admin – 2007 March 29

In Conference

XML:UK is holding a one-day conference entitled titled “Publishing 2.0” at Bletchley Park on Wednesday 25th April 2007. Bletchley Park was the location of the United Kingdom’s main codebreaking establishment during the Second World War and is now a museum (and has a train station!). The event will examine some of the more cutting-edge applications of XML technology to publishing. With keynotes by Sean McGrath and Kate Warlock and a series of must-see presentations, this will be the place to be on the last Wednesday in April.