
OpenURL Podcast

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 February 17

In Linking

Jon Udell interviews Dan Chudnov about OpenURL, see his blog entry: “A conversation with Dan Chudnov about OpenURL, context-sensitive linking, and digital archiving”. The podcast of the interview is available here. Interesting to see these kind of subjects beginning to be covered by a respected technology writer like Jon. As he says in his post: “I have ventured into this confusing landscape because I think that the issues that libraries and academic publishers are wrestling with — persistent long-term storage, permanent URLs, reliable citation indexing and analysis — are ones that will matter to many businesses and individuals.

OpenDocument 1.1 is OASIS Standard

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 February 15

In Standards

From the OASIS Press Release: “Boston, MA, USA; 13 February 2007 — OASIS, the international standards consortium, today announced that its members have approved version 1.1 of the Open Document Format for Office Applications (OpenDocument) as an OASIS Standard, a status that signifies the highest level of ratification.”

Crossref Author ID meeting


Amy Brand – 2007 February 14


February 5, 2007, Washington DC Crossref invited a number of people to attend an information gathering session on the topic of Author IDs. The purpose of the meeting was to determine: About whether there is an industry need for a central or federated contributor id registry; whether Crossref should have a role in creating such a registry; how to proceed in a way that builds upon existing systems and standards.

Microsoft to Support OpenID


admin – 2007 February 08

In InteroperabilityStandards

Kim Cameron, Microsoft’s Identity Czar and member of the Identity Gang, comments on Microsoft’s announcement that they will support OpenID. Another sign that federated identity schemes are gaining traction and OpenID is likely to emerge as a standard the publishers are going to want to grapple with soon. This follows Doc Searl’s comments on the notion of “Creator Relationship Management” where he speculates that the techniques being used in federated identity schemes and the Creative Commons can be combined to create a new “silo-free” value chain amongst creators, producers and distributors.

Remixing RSS

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 February 08


Niall Kennedy has a post about the newly released Yahoo! Pipes. As he says: “Yahoo! Pipes lets any Yahoo! registered user enter a set of data inputs and filter their results. You might splice a feed of your latest bookmarks on with the latest posts from your blog and your latest photographs posted to Flickr.” He also warns about possible implications for web publishers: “Yahoo! Pipes makes it easy to remove advertising from feeds or otherwise reformat your content.

RSS Validator in the Spotlight

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 February 08


Sam Ruby responds to Brian Kelly’s post about the RSS Validator and its treatment of RSS 1.0, or rather, RSS 1.0 modules. As Ruby notes: “There is no question that RSS 1.0 is widely deployed. RSS 1.0 has a minimal core. The validation for that core is pretty solid.” Not sure if I’d seen that RSS comparison table before, but it is reassuring. (Oh, and see the really simple case off to the right.


Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 February 05

In Search

Nelson Minar has a short post on Google’s Search History ‘feature’ and how it can be used to enhance your search experience. I guess that should be SearchULike.

What’s My Link?

Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 February 05

In Linking

Simon Willison has a great piece here about disambiguating URLs. Best practice on creating and publishing URLs is obviously something of interest to any publisher. See this excerpt from Simon’s post: _“Here’s a random example, plucked from today’s popular. is a new online debating site (tag clouds, gradient fills, rounded corners). It’s listed in a total of four times! has 36 saves has 148 saves

comments and trackbacks

Ed Pentz

Ed Pentz – 2007 February 02

In Blog

Due to spam the comments and trackbacks were turned off on the blog since last week. Comments can be moderated so they have now been turned back on. Glad to see postings picking up.


Tony Hammond

Tony Hammond – 2007 February 02

In Blog

Somebody is both reading (and recommending) this blog - see Lorcan’s post here. Just my opinion but would be really good to see more librarians following this in order to arrive at better consensus.