Nominating committee

The Nominating Committee is defined in the by-laws. There are five members of the committee and they can be either representations of organizations on the board or other regular members. Common practice is for membership to be made up of three board members not up for election that year, and two regular (non-board) members. The purpose of this committee is to review and create the slate each year for nominations to the board, ensuring fair representation of membership.

The Committee meets to discuss the charge, process, criteria, and potential candidates, and puts forward a slate which is at least equal to or greater than the number of Board seats up for election. The slate may or may not consist of some Board members up for re-election.

2025 Nominating Committee members

Staff facilitator: Lucy Ofiesh

  • James Phillpotts*, Director of Content Transformation and Standards, Oxford University Press, committee chair Committee in formation

(*) Indicates Crossref board member

Please contact Lucy Ofiesh with any questions

Page owner: Lucy Ofiesh   |   Last updated 2023-March-10