
Schema versions

We support several versions of our metadata input and grants schema, as well as XML Schema Definition (XSD) schema for looking up and retrieving DOIs and metadata. A quick reference is available. The metadata input schema is used to deposit metadata for most record types, except Grants, which have their own schema.

We currently support versions 4.3.0 to 5.3.1 of our main metadata schema. If you are beginning to register your metadata with Crossref you should use the most recent version (currently 5.3.1) to ensure you are able to take advantage of all metadata deposit options. We also have a resource-only deposit schema that may be used to add some pieces of metadata to an existing record.

Metadata input schema versioning

All supported schema are available in our Schema GitLab repository. Versions 4.3.0 - 4.8.1 of our schema are backwards-compatible with the exception of deposits for standards, which may only be deposited with version 4.3.6 and above.

We are now incrementing our input schema version numbers with each change for all updates after version 4.4.2. Note that addtional schema versions are available via gitlab (5.0 - 5.2 for example) but are not documented for use as subsequent versions were released at the same time (5.3.1).

  • grant_id0.2.0.xsd: adds support for ROR identifiers to identify funders; adds new funding types (APC, BPC, infrastructure)

Also supported

  • crossref4.8.1.xsd: changes include support for ISBN that begin with 979, changes to the regex for the email_address field, relaxed regex for given_name to allow numbers, and schema refactoring.
  • crossref4.4.2.xsd: adds support for pending publication, distributed usage logging (DUL), multiple dissertation authors, abstracts for all record types, support for JATS 1.2 abstracts, and adds acceptance_date element to journal article, book, book chapter, and conference papers
  • crossref4.4.1.xsd: adds support for peer reviews
  • crossref4.4.0.xsd: adds support for posted content (includes preprints)
  • crossref4.3.7.xsd: adds support for linked clinical trials, journal deposits without ISSNs
  • crossref4.3.6.xsd: expanded support for standards
  • crossref4.3.5.xsd: supports relationships between DOIs and other objects
  • crossref4.3.4.xsd: add archive_location option, change name element to depositor_name
  • crossref4.3.3.xsd: modifications for standards
  • crossref4.3.2.xsd: adds support for license metadata
  • crossref4.3.1.xsd: adds support for Crossmark, funding data, ORCID iDs
  • crossref4.3.0.xsd: revisions to handling of books
  • doi_resources4.3.6.xsd
  • doi_resources4.3.5.xsd
  • doi_resources4.3.4.xsd
  • doi_resources4.3.2.xsd
  • doi_resources4.3.0.xsd

Page owner: Patricia Feeney   |   Last updated 2025-February-10