
XSD schema quick reference

We support additional schema (not listed here) for legacy purposes.

Deposit schema

Used for registering and updating DOI metadata records:

SchemaPurposeStatusFurther info
grant_id0.2.0.xsdgrant metadatarecommendeddocumentation
crossref5.3.1.xsdfull metadata depositsrecommendeddocumentation
crossref4.8.1.xsdfull metadata depositsrecommendeddocumentation
crossref4.4.2.xsdfull metadata depositsavailabledocumentation
AccessIndicators.xsdlicense dataimported
relations.xsdrelationships between DOIs and other identifiersimported
clinicaltrials.xsdrelationships between publications that report on a clinical trialimported
doi_resources4.4.2.xsdused to append or update specific sets of metadata to an existing recordrecommendeddocumentation

Query schema

Used for formatting XML queries:

SchemaPurposeFurther info
Crossref_query_input2.0.xsdused to input XML queries to the systemdocumentation

Metadata retrieval schema

Used for retrieving our metadata:

SchemaPurposeFurther info
crossref_query_output2.0.xsdreturns query results in xsd_xml format, used for Cited-by resultsdocumentation
crossref_query_output3.0.xsdreturns query results in UNIXSD formatdocumentation
unixref1.1.xsdreturns query results in the UNIXML format, also used to support the data delivered by our OAI-PMH servicedocumentation
unixref1.0.xsdreturns query results in the UNIXML format for some older content, also used to support the data delivered by our OAI-PMH servicedocumentation
crossref_output3.0.1.xsdused to support data files generated for bulk data distributiondocumentation differences between Crossref’s OAI-PMH implementation and the published Open Archives OAI 2.0 schemadocumentation

Page owner: Patricia Feeney   |   Last updated 2021-October-05